Update to differential thermostat

I always think about new features that can be added to my projects.
Differential thermostat (Last version without power calculation is here )now have feature to calculate and display heat power (W) and cummulative heat energy (kWh). This is final version of basic differential thermostat, there is no feature I can think of to put in device with 2 sensors and 1 relay.
This is how it looks like, calculated power is 69 kW:

and cummulative heat energy in that moment measured from power on:

How is that calculated? Well, temperature difference is calculated form measured values, volume flow is constant and entered via menu, physical parameters of water/water-glycol mixture are programmed in flash memory and dependent of temperature, time constant for each cycle is measured; from all that power and energy is calculated. There is correction factor for calculation, which depends on real (measured) temperature difference and difference in properties of water-glycol mixture. Depending on % and type of glycol substance correction factor is defined according to folowing table:

Calculated values for power and energy are informative.
This is how meni looks after improvements:


  1. Jesi vidio komentare: http://www.forum.hr/showthread.php?t=708500&page=30

  2. Jesam, a neka komentiraju ;)

    Thanx na obavijesti :)


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